Welcome to

The names of
several game
companies as well as their
products are used in this web page and many sub pages without
This is not intended to challenge their trademark claims. The name of
mythic city of R'Lyeh, invented by H.P. Lovecraft is also used without
permission. Please see our disclaimer
for more information.
Home Worlds is a site designed as a resource for mature role
playing gamers. It is designated as an archive for adventures
played through by the Friends of R'Lyeh Gaming Consortium and
a repository of ideas, campaign histories, rules notations and more.
Who Are the Friends of R'Lyeh?
The Friends of R'Lyeh are a small group of FRPGrs engaged in
types of Roleplaying and now spread across the country. We maintain a
library for the use of local members. The Friends do not charge fees
membership or access to the group's gaming library and historical
Our current involvements are primarily D&D, with some L5r,
Shadowrun, Mutants
& Masterminds and some small press games thrown in for good
measure. Past campaigns include Shadowrun, Champions,
AD&D, Call
of Cthulu and the Legend of the Five Rings RPG, 7th Sea and
Several of our members are interested in other RPGs as well as many
card and board games.
- Information about Friends of R'Lyeh members
- Our Campaigns
- Rogues Gallery
- The Idea Mill
- The FORSE Project
- More Good Sites
If you are interested in more information, or would like to pass along
your questions and comments please contact us care of the Friends of Rlyeh
Friends of R'Lyeh
Rogues Gallery
Our Campaigns
Campaign Ideas
The FORSE Shared
World Project
More FRPG Web Sites
Tyche's Games Home Page
Last updated 2 JAN '06