Worlds of Champions

Sean Holland here.  Over the years, I have Game Mastered and played in many Champions campaigns. My experience started with the original release of Champions and continues through the most recent 5th Edition of the Hero System.

Champions and the Hero System are among my favorite game systems.  I have not played a better system for simulating the Superhero genre.  Though I am still very fond of Villains and Vigilantes (perhaps someday to be reissued as Living Legends) and the new Mutants & Mastermind system.  I have collected most Superhero RPGs that have been released and I still stick with Champions.

My own world I call, creatively :), Earth-H.  I have been developing it for over fifteen years.  It has been a challenge to create a world that is both Superheroic and makes some sort of sense.  But I am happy with my efforts.  As I have time among my other projects I will try to post background information.

My most recent campaign was
Heroes Incorporated, Champions of the 1960s

Earth-H has been revived in the past, the 1960s to be exact. This new campaign is set in New York City and the year is currently 1965. The Space Race is on, the Cold War is heating up and the US in beginning to commit itself to defend the Republic of Vietnam. In the US, superheroes are reemerging after the 1950s, an era of American military might, prosperity and the fear of the House Un-American Activities Commission (HUAC).

The new heroes has established themselves in the headquarters of the World War II 'Minutemen' team, located at the top of the Empire State building (yes, it was Doc Savage's base before that) complete with helipad, direct lines to the mayor and police chief of NY and express elevators.

See the Heroes Inc Roll Call.

The team has been nick-named the 'New Minutemen' by the press but they did not initially officially adopt a team name.  Therefore the first three issue are under the 'New Minutemen' title.

Issue 1- A New Era begins!

Issue 2- Flight of the Valkyrie (backup stories Cry Wolf! and CriME in Progress)

Issue 3- Master of the Air

The name of the team is officially now 'Heroes Incorporated', and the comic's title changes as well.

Issue 4- The Napoleon of Crime

Issue 5- Against the Invisible Empire

Issue 6- Day of Destiny

B-70 Bomber, later retrofittedSummaries for Issues 7-11

Issue 7- Challenge of the Grandmaster

Issue 8- Escape from Checkmate

Issue 9- Heroes Inc No More?  and Diamonds

Issue 10- Fear of Fashion

Issue 11- Dead Man's Hand

Heroes Incorporated, Annual 0

Summaries for Issues 12-15
Issue 12 - Dinosaurs in Time Square!                                                                    <Above> The Heroes Inc jet before it was repainted.

Issue 13 - The Clown Prince's House of Fun

Issue 14 - Return of the Grandmaster: First Gambit

Issue 15 - Threat From Space!

Summaries for Issues 16 and 17

Issue 16 - The Gauntlet

Issue 17 - Plots Abound

Issue 18 - Puzzles and Pennies

Heroes Inc, 80-page Giant Issue 1

Issue 19 - East and West

Issue 20 - Knights and Days

Summaries for Issue 21 and 22

Issue 21 - Dragons of California

Issue 22 - The King of Cold

Heroes Incorporated, Special Issue: Our Government at Work

Campaign Notes

Rebel Special 1
Rebel: The Untold Story

Do not miss Rebel Interviewed in Teenbeat magazine!

This campaign is currently on hiatus, likely permanently as the players have scattered to the four winds, but we use to play at Tyche's Games

I may try to start a new campaign set slightly later in the 60s on the West Coast using the Mutants and Masterminds rules.

For information on my earlier Champions Campaigns.

I am working on revising the history of Earth-H to make it more my own and more complete. It will be a work in progress and comments, suggestions, and ideas are welcome. Any ideas that are used for Earth-H will be credited to their originators.

To see the current state of the Revisionist History of Earth-H.

I  have also run a Champions by Gaslight campaign set in slightly Steampunk England in the 1880s, which may be revived someday.

For Champions by Gaslight character creation rules.

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Last updated on 2 JAN 2006