Appearing in this issue: Playboy, Jade Dragon, Kid Comic, and Lt. Steele. Villains: The Gauntlet: Green Knight, Icer, Mechanism, Mocking Bird and the Grey Man (who is never actually seen in this issue).
Cover: The team sprawling unconscious at the feet of the members of the Gauntlet, Mocking Bird holding Jade Dragon's Ring in her hand saying, "Who's next?" Caption: "America's Heroes Laid Low by the Gauntlet?!?"
Opening page: Heroes
(Playboy, Jade Dragon, Kid Comic and Lt. Steele) meeting at HQ. Janice
Trades, Heroes Inc secretary, delivers a file to Jack saying, "This is
urgent, Mr. Diamond." He opens it and the first page has in bright red
letters, "Security Breach" written across it. Jack stands, "Team we
a problem." And with that, the doors to the meeting room burst open and
Green Knight, Icer and Mechanism storm in, while "Janice" reveals
to be Mocking Bird. It is a very close fight, Playboy goes down early
Mocking Bird's martial arts. Kid Comic is felled by Green Knight and
Bird double teaming him. Icer uses purple ice (as Jade Dragon's force
does effect purple, wonder where he got that idea?) to smash Jade
Lt. Steele is the last to go down. "What fate awaits our heroes?"
Issue 17: Plots Abound
Appearing in this issue: Playboy, Kid Comic, Plasma Man, and Lt. Steele. Cameos by: The Duke of Stirling, and Sirius. Villains: Red Amerika (Captain Communist, Red Dragon, the Socialite), BLAST troopers.
Cover: A map of New York City with Harlem burning, "Riots in New York! What will our Heroes do?"
Opening page: Our heroes tied to chairs each of the heroes has a sign hung around his neck: Playboy "Trumped." Kid Comic "Ignoble." Jade Dragon "Defanged." And Lt. Steele "Obsolete." Janice, the real one, is untying them, "Good thing I took those yoga classes," she says.
This issue is all about plot hooks. Sirius explains about the other space empire, the Throne and its psionic power, he suspects the Grey Man (who Janice saw) might be one of their scouts. The Gauntlet took Jade Dragon's ring and Jade Dragon is very sick through most of the issue only recovering at the end. Senator Barry Goldwater is chosen as the Republican candidate for President and asks Jack for an endorsement (Jack refuses but speaks well of Goldwater in interviews). Riots in Harlem, Heroes Inc steps in to help limit the damage. Kid Comic has an encounter with Red Amerika who are also trying to limit the damage caused by the riots. Serious riots in Rochester, NY, Gov. Rockefeller mobilizes the National Guard and Heroes Inc. Heroes Inc discovers that the rioters were provoked and supported by BLAST (Black Legion of Africa - Shock Troopers) troopers, but the leader of BLAST, the Black Lion, escapes.
Closing page, Jack
reading the New York Times. The lead story: Gulf of Tonkin resolution
President Johnson given full authority to use US military in Vietnam.
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